Our Role Within The Community

The wellbeing of our children and families, not financial profit, continues to be at the heart of Fiveways, and is the reason for its success. Our aim is to create a happy, relaxed atmosphere where children, parents, and staff all value, respect and care for each other and our environment. We encourage children and parents to learn how to ‘tread lightly’ on our planet so the planet can continue to support us and our children in the future.

• Please walk or cycle to the play centre
• Please encourage your children to recycle where possible
• Please help us to look after the outside space and the plants, insects and animals that share it with us.

We know having young children can be stressful (as well as a lot of fun) and here at Fiveways we aim to provide a welcoming atmosphere and help build informal community networks. Helping each other out and getting to know our neighbours is important. Friendships developed at Fiveways Playcentre often continue throughout school and beyond for parents and children. Community events such as the Summer Fair, Fireworks night etc, are a good opportunity to get to know people and give our children and ourselves a sense of place in our community, as well as raising funds for Fiveways.

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